Counterfeit Items
Someone is selling ililily items on eBay. Are they authentic?
Please note that none of our authorized retailers are permitted to sell ililily items on eBay or on other online auction sites. The only way to guarantee that you are purchasing authentic ililily items is to buy them from here or ililily seller on Amazon and eBay.
What if the online seller says the ililily items are New With Tags (NWT)? Does that mean that they are authentic?
No. Counterfeiters may be capable of copying the look of most of our labels and tags (although they are made of much lower quality). Almost all counterfeit items sold on eBay and other auction sites are advertised as New With Tags, but this does not mean that they are authentic ililily items.
I want to report a counterfeiter. Who should I contact?
Please email Please provide as much details as possible, including the name and address of the seller, how many items this person or entity is selling, and whether we may contact you for further information.
Attn: Legal Department
650 S Grand Ave #107
Santa Ana, CA 92705